Debora Sufir


UX/UI design . Web app


Zenpulse is a innovative task management web app with the goal to streamline your tasks
for greater clarity and efficiency, while also enhancing communication between team members.

Identifying challenges

In today's busy world,task management encounters issues with overwhelming information,
intricate interfaces, and gaps in accountability, impeding productivity and coordination.

Information overload

Complex interface

Complex interface

Accountability gap

Research approach

I conducted a survey among individuals and the market
to understand industry needs and pain points; 45 responses were collected.


Write down tasks


Will use the app if it exists


Forget about important tasks


Want to share tasks with members

Creating the solution

Introducing a revolutionary web app for task organization that prioritizes efficient
task management, fosters seamless collaboration among team members, and is user-friendly for everyone.

Organized information

Userfriendly interface

Userfriendly interface

Online chat collab


Based on the research, I recognized that there was one key user types that the product tried to solve problems.

Sarah Johnson

-34 years old
-Marketing Manager
-San Francisco, CA

Pain points

-Task Overload
-Time Management
-Communication Control


-Increase Productivity
-Reduce Stress
-Enhance Collaboration
- App easy to use


Sarah is a marketing manager at a fast-paced tech startup in San Francisco. She is responsible for managing multiple campaigns, coordinating with various teams, and ensuring deadlines are met. Sarah is highly organized but often finds herself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks and responsibilities. She’s always on the lookout for tools that can help streamline her workflow and improve productivity.

Itay Levy

-23 years old
-Lives in Kibutz David

Pain points

-Limited range
-Lack of time
-Always moving
-Instant orders
-Difficulty in ordering


-Unlimited range
-Scheduled orders
-Ordering on the go

Sarah Johnson

-34 years old
-Marketing Manager
-Lives inSan Francisco, CA

Pain points

-Task Overload
-Time Management
-Communication Control


-Increase Productivity
-Reduce Stress
-Enhance Collaboration
- App easy to use


Sarah is a marketing manager at a fast-paced tech startup in San Francisco. She is responsible for managing multiple campaigns, coordinating with various teams, and ensuring deadlines are met. Sarah is highly organized but often finds herself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks and responsibilities. She’s always on the lookout for tools that can help streamline her workflow and improve productivity.


Itay, a frequent Israel traveler, constantly on the move,
relies on food delivery apps as he lacks the time to
prepare his own meals.Itay faces challenges with mobile food ordering due
to his constant movement and inability to schedule
orders in advance. Additionally,he finds it frustrating
when he can't access his favorite restaurants located
far from his current location.Itay seeks to order food on-the-go at any time, schedule
the delivery in time for his arrive back home and the
opportunity to order from his favourite far restaurants.


Based on collected research, I designed an efficient and effective app structure to help users achieve their goals.

Ideas to creation-wireframes

Once I understood the architecture, I began to develop the structure, and think about the journey of the users in the app.

Final design

After thorough style exploration, I've identified the ideal design direction for our project, aligning with objectives and user preferences.

The logo

The ZenPulse logo features a stylized person in a zen meditation pose with hands forming a "V" sign, symbolizing both peace and the completion of tasks. This "V" represents the app's core function as a task manager, signifying victory and accomplishment. The design encapsulates ZenPulse's mission to bring calmness, focus, and efficiency to task management, helping users achieve their goals with a sense of tranquility and mindfulness.

Design system

On boarding & sign up/in

Online Chat feature

Project page (list & board & calendar & dashboard)

Add task

Change status

Details on project

Online chat mobile

Project page (list & board & calendar & dashboard)

Add task

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